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Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Essay UNICEF and Goi Japan Foundation

Start The Peace From Within Oneself and then To The World

By Kiar Vansa Febrianti

Our world does not only consist of warmongers, but there also have the willpower to create a peaceful world. Some worked individually, but many who have come together and establish an organization to discuss and brainstorm to find a way to promote world peace. Conversation, with peace as a common goal, has occurred repeatedly in different organizations in the world. The organization has fostered the nations. They also provide an annual award to increase awareness and recognition of hard work the people who try to be peace in the world throughout their lives.
Although we admire and would applaud their dedication to give those who continue to pursue peace is, in fact his real world peace is not reached. War and strife are continuing without interruption. Real world peace still has not happened yet because we still fail to understand the cause of the deepest roots. We still do not understand the meaning of peace, which can be found, and how to grow and develop.
Although mankind consists of many of the nation's population, languages, religions, cultures, different traditions, we have the equation in the long quest for happiness and the real meaning of life which is worthy of the aspirations respected. But whether it is peace and happiness, and where it came from him? If we do not know the answers to these questions, how can we find peace and happiness? Because we do not know, we continue to pursue that dream by our wisdom and insights. However, what if we still have not developed wisdom throughout his pursuit of us to be not focused and organized, making the goal of peace we become careless. With an imperfect understanding of the purpose of us, should we look for water from a rock or a fish in the desert.
The vision of create a peaceful and harmony in this world is restful in life, get a good cooperation and a fair competition in various fields without any struggle for power, enhanced the beauty of situation to obtain a joy of living, improve the natural conditions together and not add to damage, and can help each other if one of inter-state among others need help because basically all human beings are social creatures who can’t live alone let alone to build and establish a peaceful country. We all have an interest in the stability of the country. Economically, for example, Indonesia needs the U.S., Europe, Japan, Middle East, and others. Indonesia economic downturn across civilizations require such assistance, in addition to the idealism of peace who aspired to the religious majority of Indonesian society. All men want a thing like that even today the State of Palestine, the situation was worst. Every human being has a different attitude and ego. From this attitude can shape how the existence of his country.
Examples I can give is a reflection of my own country in which I settle into the Indonesian citizens. Indonesia 's given an example to the world about how to manage diversity and difference of Pancasila and the Constitution framed in 1945. Republic-shaped structure of the administration created a foundation in taking action, because the people's voice is very influential on government. People do not want to lose money so the government would reject war will avoid a war on its people desire. This fact is supported by Immanuel Kant, quoted from source Imannuel Kant believes that world peace might be achieved, when each country is a republic, because the republican government, popular opinion a big influence on government policy. And because war is essentially detrimental to the people then the people would reject the policy of war, therefore the government is a republic would avoid war.
Could world peace be achieved? This may be achieved but often times we are confused of where we started because we wanted was an opinion rather than through the ideal values that are not biased practiced in the real world even just a fantasy and illusion. Precisely what we need is to prepare ourselves. Start with yourself! Because we have egos. Look at the condition of the world today! Take a look at human nature you know! It's diverse.
In my opinion, as an Indonesian youth how to create, preserve, and maintain world peace is as follows.
1.       Inner peace and start from yourself.
Awareness and care about others is the most important thing. Think about ego! We are all brothers together build a peaceful and tranquil state, through the wheel of life and all its activities, want a healthy competition, there was no bloodshed, and see the children of the next generation is always enthusiastic and cheerful. Nourish Your compassion for others because we live side by side. Do not look at one eye, half-hearted member, but think about the actions of people or another nation if war, riots, discord, and confusion that happened to himself. Think if these positions exist in the State who perform resistance.
World peace would only happen every person to take part by following the trail toward inner peace. Every person who did this are the real heroes who deserve honorable peace award. If we can make every nation in the world's leaders to begin to practice meditation so that they experience inner peace and understanding, we can change the direction the world is moving to be more peaceful. We must realize that although peace efforts such as international conferences between leaders of nations, as well as design awards to community development can take part in creating a peaceful world.

2.       Grow a sense of humanity.
We are living unbiased arbitrarily and haphazardly because we have God's compassion as a leader and ruler of the world and the universe that is very loving sense of world peace and love between each other.
3. Invites all States to build a dialogue between civilizations, dialogue between religions,             inter-media dialogue, and dialogue between generations so that each other more and more united as a harmonious intertwining relationships and close kinship, as well as send peacekeeping forces personnel under the flag of the United Nations wherever necessary .

4. Bring together the leaders of the State to negotiate and take the same actions and decisions that change the state constitution in many countries including the United States no superpower to shape the Republic.
5. The United Nations must be more assertive to take action during this favor is still visible. Because of the United Nations also has the authority and thus no doubt or fear for guiding inter-state, uphold justice and to create happiness for the sake of world peace and tranquility of the State together indiscriminately anyone who's strongest.
6. Promotions & actively increasing role in every forum for international, immediately resolved the problem / dispute equitably through the UN. And termination of the dispute as part of the effort involved to create world peace.
7. Increased efforts to prevent cross-border crimes such as terrorism, money laundering, narcotics crimes, smuggling and trafficking in persons through bilateral cooperation, regional cooperation, multilateral cooperation who carried out an inclusive, democratic, and in line with the principles of international law.
8. Student exchange. In the normal students, this activity could increase in the potential kinship with the other State for more Knowing and close to other countries as well as improving human resources that can compete as-international sportsmanship.
9. Greenery. This action only as a small step. Start with the smallest thing can be imagined as if the world is full of barren land, was disappointed in the situation of human nature, trying to be more damaging, and want to get a fertile land like other countries, causing envy and a truce, after which many casualties the seizure of the land.
In addition I do Indonesian youth questionnaire, and draw conclusions from assumptions and expectations.
"In my opinion, now is rampant news about global warming, which has been badly damaged natural and man who never realized. Should the existing human on this earth has the awareness to keep peace let alone the impact of war is threatening human life. Better to lose a sense of ego, of all the parties because there are still many generations to continue living in the future. If this earth has a lot of damage often with nuclear war, bombs, or something else could be our children will not enjoy the beauty of living in this world when viewed from the side of nature or saving the world. Now his time has been difficult, so why if the war with each other let alone for private purposes only. The attitude of the United Nations to take steps as long as the United Nations was still slightly in favor of states that dominate the world. All this gives the United Nations veto coalition with another country. Examples assault ship aid to Palestinians who attacked Israel. All countries condemned the action, the United Nations to act only as a casual appeal or criticism. We also as human beings is equally supportive of the peace of the world of all circles indiscriminately, " says 17-year-old youth Atika.
"In my opinion, by holding fast to the principles of humanity and equal rights to independence in various areas of life," says 17-year-old youth Dewandra.
"In my opinion, should have held a meeting of state leaders to discuss how to reconcile the world of any State to avoid another dispute. People can act because of the attitudes and advice from leaders and state structure that binds the system, " says 17-year-old boy Aries.
Not a few even almost 99% thought the same although there are still 1% of being indifferent. But that's life. Maybe everyone does not think world peace is possible, but the desire of each person there. And I am very sure if there is a desire each of us to create world peace must have opinions or suggestions I can be done and achieved with the help of all parties, especially all citizens, leaders, and supervised by the United Nations to work together.
If we take the fight in a form of revenge, instead it will worsen the situation which previously had been killed because of discord or strife that can only be solved with a head cold. And this can be done between the leaders of the State.
We were very young men were moved to make his defense and resistance to the State who oppressed their rights.


Esaay ini udah berkelana tingkat internasional. Meskipun menjadi finalis, tapi lumayan lah daripada manyun. Hehe

Diadakan oleh UNICEF dan Goi Japan Foundation pada tahun 2010 dan mendapatkan sertifikat langsung dari Jepang. Terimakasih buat partisipasinya ya ^_^

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